When and Where

We meet the third Saturday of every month. The location changes so sign up for the mailing list (just below on left) or like our FaceBook Page to get notified about the most recent updates.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

CR H3 Saturday 5th March 3PM

Here are the directions to the upcoming run. Starting at the Big C (across from Central) head south along the Super Highway and then turn left at the first set of lights. This will put you on the 1020 highway to Therng. Go through the next set of lights and over the Lao River then do a u-turn at the first opportunity. Turn left on to a rural road just before the windmill house (HHH sign) and head down that road until you see a lake marked Nong Bua on Google Maps. There is a sala in the lake. Turn in there and park close to the sala. Click on coordinates below to see this location on Google Maps. If there are any problems call Wirgin Bluce at 089 635 3224. WB, the hare, is putting on BBQ chicken and sticky rice as an after run snack. It will cost us 100 Baht each in addition to the usual fee you pay for beverages. This collection will go into the club kitty. On! On! WB https://www.google.com/maps/place/19%C2%B050'39.4%22N+99%C2%B049'34.3%22E/@19.844273,99.8239943,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x9d6df5c5b75233c2!8m2!3d19.844273!4d99.826183?hl=en-TH