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We meet the third Saturday of every month. The location changes so sign up for the mailing list (just below on left) or like our FaceBook Page to get notified about the most recent updates.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Run Report #103 Saturday May 19, 2012

The latest hash began with an added twist in that the first “checks“ or misleading trails, were cunningly laid by Hare Crash before the walking even began, for example by giving driving directions to turn at a non-existent “large orange house”. This may explain why the numbers this time were relatively circumscribed, but then again coincidence is not necessarily causation. The route started at a very pleasant plantation, with surprisingly little litter and very beautiful long grass between the trees. The hashers saw to this anomaly by decisively bulldozing the grass with a number of large and heavy SUV’s and pickups. The site is now in “normal condition”. The walk proceeded along a pleasant, wide path along plantations of tea and a tree species unknown to this reviewer. In fact the walk could well be recycled (excuse the pun) at a future date for a bike hash, since there are relatively few overlapping members between the groups. The longer sight lines in the plantation setting allowed the back-running b’s to guage more easily where the frb’s were heading and thus to avoid most of the false trails. Upon arrival at the finish line there was a relatively heavy downpour, and at this moment a technical glitch was discovered, in that, for nebulous reasons, the Assistant Hare, Shampoo, was in possession of the key to Wirgin Bluce’s car (are you still following me?), which contained the refreshments. And in an added twist, Assistant Hair, sorry Assistant Hare Shampoo was one of the last hashers to arrive at the finishing line. So the hashers found themselves in a situation of cold rain but no beer. Inexplicably some departed early, but again, coincidence is not necessarily causation. In the end though the organisation of the refreshments was as usual flawless, which is only to be expected from the kind of person who carries jump starters in the back of his car. The circle continued in its usual manner, with the consummate diplomat Shocking expressing gratitude to all those present for having made it. Conversely, some of those present felt the same way towards towards Shocking, since the solicitous hare, no doubt concerned about his legal responsibilities as the organiser, had sent the support vehicle to pick him up. The Hash name Farang Friendly was given to the sole new member of the day. She was fine with the name, but didn’t seem to like the beer too much. There were 4 out of towners, one being an American couple who seemed suitably grizzled and had all the gear to blend in perfectly with the crowd. Conversely the other couple, Jolly Molly’s son Stephane and his partner Gabriela stood out a little bit because Gabriela had omitted to bring Hash-appropriate gear from Bangkok and therefore came in an outfit borrowed from Jolly Molly’s infant daughter, much to the satisfaction of some of the hashers. When it came time for the business-to-discuss rubric of the Circle Wirgin Bluce bounded up and insisted pedantically that Jolly Molly’s name should be changed, based on an obscure Hash custom that Hash partners have connected names. He then “spontaneously” suggested the name Blows Twice since Jolly Molly had once had 2 flat tyres during a bike hash. Har, har, har. Comes Twice attempted to counter-suggest the name Molly Comes, since Molly comes to the Hashes regularly, but was out-bullied by Wirgin Bluce and Shocking. In retaliation Comes Twice tried to run Wirgin Bluce over on the way out, but unfortunately his vehicle was not sufficiently powerful and sprightly Bluce managed to jump out of the way. Many thanks to Crash for organising an interesting walk and as usual to Fired up, On Fire, Superglue, Lost Samurai, Maple High, Able Semen and all the others for their good cheer. Comes Twice Hash scribe (pro bono)

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