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We meet the third Saturday of every month. The location changes so sign up for the mailing list (just below on left) or like our FaceBook Page to get notified about the most recent updates.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Report of Sunday June 3 Bicycle Hash

The June 3 bicycle hash began in front of the Sriwan restaurant on the road to Thoeng. Seven people participated not counting Linda who wisely decided after 10 minutes that a bicycle hash is not the best way to experiment when pedalling for the first time in several decades. We started by cycling over the Laow River then transversing under the bridge so that we ended up in front of Chiangrai's oldest (and possibly only) windmill. Thereafter we pedalled upstream about 50 meters where the gravel ended and mud began. The next ten kilometers was mostly slipping and sliding through forest and rice paddies until we arrived at the paved rural road which took last month from the White Temple to Hua Doi. We crossed the Thoeng highway at the traffic lights on to the road to Santiburi and then immediately turned left on to a paved soi which led in vast semi circle back to the same Santiburi road about one kilometers beyond the golf course. After a short break we then took another paved farm road which led us first to the dam across the Laow River and then back to Sriwan. Altogether it was 27 km long and took us almost 3 hours. One surprise along the way was a Beechcraft double propeller airplane sitting in the middle of an orchard. The men in our group led especially by Comes Twice and Thaitanic had to examine the artifact closely. How an airplane could possibly end up there with its wings in tact defied the imagination. We have Ben and Elly to thank for scouting the route. Wise cyclists always kept the latter in sight as the female of the species, we discovered has the superior sense of direction. Other pedallers included Peter Gibbs, Blows Twice whose bicycle exceptionally did not break down, and your faithful correspondent. Cop Out and Pim will lead the July ride on Sunday July 1. On! On! WB

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