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Monday, June 3, 2013

HHH Run Report #115 May 18, 2013

Location: Mae Korn crossroads area Hare: Shocking The May, 2013 Chiang Rai Family Friendly hash turned out to be a rather warm affair. An unexpectedly good turn out of approx. 15 including a large contingent of English teachers from the local schools as well as the old regulars. The stand-in GM and hare, Shocking, decided that ever since Able Semen had taken over the hash, things had been getting a bit too cool and he was determined to heat things up. So, even though it was 40 degrees in the shade, Shocking kept the hashers on roads the whole time (except for the 2 km of dried rice fields set aside for the deluded few who opted to do the long trail.) It wasn’t just any road he had us on, it was a 4 lane highway, that although technically still not open had not one tree for shade. Needless to say, even before the first water stop, all but the most determined FRBs had lost their verve and were walking slowly, craving to get to the end. Undeterred FRBs Virgin Brian and Namron thought they had it in the bag until suddenly one of the female teachers and Oral Banger made a push at the end. It became a sprint to the finish with Brian managing to pull victory from OB’s jaws. The circle was unique in the it was run by Shocking who FORGOT to try to pawn hash shirts! We also said a temporary goodbye to Long and Hard who was soon to be off on his walk in the Spanish countryside (without food or oney.) However anticipating the fast to come, he joined the rest of us in filling himself up on the excellent food served by Pat on the Back who is otherwise known as Shocking’s better half. In the end, the wonderful hospitality overcame any brouhaha about the trail. We all left contently - full of food and beer. On! On! Nam Ron Hash Scribe

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