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We meet the third Saturday of every month. The location changes so sign up for the mailing list (just below on left) or like our FaceBook Page to get notified about the most recent updates.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Aug. Hash Report

The August 17th hash was set by our Japanese contingent of Lost Samurai and Mile High. 33 hashers turned out, including many of the English teachers from the local schools and universities. At the hare brief Lost Samurai mentioned the possibility of finding wild mushrooms on the trail and Oral Banger and Loose Stool got especially excited. (Since neither of them was able to finish at the front of the pack, we can only assume they had success.) The trail was suspiciously similar to the one from the previous year but since many of the younger hashers weren’t around at that time, it was virgin territory for them. However, even the experienced FRBs had difficulty finding the correct path as the hares were especially duplicitous with their false trails. The course was only 5 km if you managed stayed on paper the whole way but at least 1.5 km further for those breaking the checks. The FRBs got to the circle in about an hour and it took another 45 minutes or so for the walkers to arrive. Two of the front runners – Bill and Chester not only ran fast, but were fast to leave because they had dates that evening (which means we still haven’t given Bill a hash name.) FRB Brian, in honor of being such a nice guy, got the name Missionary Position. After a long hiatus, the three twisted sisters came out for their 3rd run and managed to secure hash names - in honor of her bout with Dengue, Melinda got the name “Laid Up”, Susan living up to her wicked witch reputation got the name “Baby Burner” and Hannah known chiefly for missing appointments, got the apposite name “Doesn’t Cum.” Namron, having the voice of a crow (according to Shocking,) made the hashers endure more hash songs and having ample time to drink before the circle started, was especially generous in giving out hash patches (which had been stored in Shocking’s closet, slated to go on EBay.) This gesture earned the wrath of Wirgin Bluce who has had a history of playing Scrooge in the Christmas school play in his native Canada. However, the hare patches were retained and have to be earned by setting a trail (one which actually includes checks and cannot be driven in a car.) Oral Banger is slated to set the September trail, Crash is taking October and Namron has November. The hares amply supplemented by Pat on the Back and Wild Woman, provided refreshments for the circle so in the end everyone left with a fully belly. On! On! Hash Scribe Nam Ron

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