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We meet the third Saturday of every month. The location changes so sign up for the mailing list (just below on left) or like our FaceBook Page to get notified about the most recent updates.

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 18th - Write Up

A healthy group of 22 Hashers showed up for this one, proving once again that people are generally cheap bastards looking for a free meal.

Being the Hare, my job mostly consisted of taking care of the BBQ, drinking beer and countering Oral Banger’s poor sense of direction. Most of this write up is from second hand accounts, so it might be a bit off:

-It was the best trail ever. Laid out very clearly, nobody had ever seen the country side like that and the beauty of it brought tears to everybody’s eyes. The Hare should be nominated for a Nobel Prize.

-The buffaloes were not as happy to see the Hashers as they were to see the Hare. We can only speculate on the reasons. The smell, perhaps?

Nobody went up the hill on the temple grounds, proving once again that Hashers are not only cheap bastards, they are also lazy bastards.

-Andrea, now known as Goes Down Easy (unrelated to the story), established that photography was an extreme sport if you don’t stop walking when you take a picture: She fell down and opened up a massive gash on her knee.

-While picking up some firewood, I got stung by a scorpion. It’s not that painful, really, after 4 or 5 beers.

-At some point, the FRBs “decided” they were on the false trail and sent back the walkers to the last check. The one spot of pink paper was perfectly visible on the red ground, Oral Banger: the Japanese contingent found it with no problem whatsoever.

-At about that moment, I got a call from Shocking that frantically explained the lost trail situation. The walkers tried doing “nothing”, and since that didn’t yield any results, they were all out of ideas. High on scorpion medication (aka: beer), I jumped on my scooter to rescue the stranded group.

-After some clear directions (read: me taking them by the hand, showing them the whole path and comforting the ones that were crying), the walkers were back on track. Except for Shocking who determined, thanks to his great medical knowledge, that it was time for him to take a preventive dose of scorpion medication.

-Getting back to the house, we found Iceberg (Titanic’s wife) mending the BBQ like a boss. Not only can she bake a killer banana cake, but she can cook too! Thanks!

The Hashers slowly trickled in after that, in an unusual order:

1-Asian efficiency: Mile High. Lost Samurai and Junichi (aka Bowled Over), H2Hoe. Ah yeah, and a token white person who probably slowed them down: newly arrived Michelle.

2-The usual FRBs (affably known as the headless chickens), closely followed by

3-The usual DFLs: those guys are never not last.

It was my first time as a Hare and Able Semen didn’t lie: it’s an awesome experience! Do try it if you get the chance.

-Frozen Ring

It was a really short circle: Hashers were busy stuffing their faces and expressing a complete disregard for the “no swimming for 2 hours after eating” rule.

Comments on the Hash
Too short. Not beautiful enough. Needed more angry buffaloes.

Andrea is now known as: Goes Down Easy
Junichi is now known as: Bowled Over
Ohm is now known as: Mile High Maiden

Next Hares
August 15th: Cop Out and Oral Banger. They plan one in town in the evening so mark the date!
September 26th: Titanic. Date pushed back because of the Singha Park Trail Run (http://www.ama-events.com/upcoming-events/)

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