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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November Hash

The Chang Rai Hash is (contrary to some reports) nowhere near dead but a near record 41 attendees on Saturday November 21st prove that it is indeed alive and kicking. The Hash was held at Huay Sak Lake and may have been so well attended because of the beautiful setting and the hope of gaining office at the election (or to help in voting in reluctant new office bearers as Frozen Ring, Pussy Rainbow, H2Hoe and Virgin Bruce will attest) and the food and beer that accompanies such occasions,

But I digress - back to the Hash. After all the catch-ups, intros, welcomes and forking outs of money we were off. From the writer's perspective the run itself was a relatively uneventful affair. The maiden FRBs  who were soon to be dubbed Comes Down Hill and the Stroker, along with her maybe current or future beau, whose name escapes me, led us up the garden path on more than one occasion. After running through bee hives and road works we realized not spotting paper for up to 100 metres is a sign to turn around, despite the willingness of several FRBS to just keep on running and have-a-chat. A long stretch on hot open road dodging vehicles (which could pretty much describe almost the entirety of the FRB'S Hash perspective) did lead to a pleasant jaunt down a shady trail. Unfortunately this led to the same bitumen road we drove on to get to the Hash.

With a quorum of FRBs being attacked by several packs of puppies distracting us from paper trail spotting we ended up missing the trail and following The Stroker back to the lake. Comments included "Worst Hash Ever!" from Oral Banger, he can talk. The Walkers when they returned had an  entirely different  perspective on the trail, maybe because they actually followed it and commented positively on Scotch on the Rocks trail.

Hemorrhoids were developed to an embryonic stage by those instructed to sit on especially large ice blocks for the circle.Virgins were Rebecca and Alan (The Stroker made them come),  Ox and Zach (Comes Down Hill mtc),  David (Oral Banger mtc),  Emily (Ring Master mtc). Named Hashers were Nikki: The Stroker, Michelle: Comes Down Hill, Kirsten: Ring Master  and Lois: Good for a Ride.

The election (held under mobile phone light) resulted in many hesitant and half-drunk new supremos. Voted in were Frozen Ring (GM), Pussy Rainbow (Hashscribe) and Virgin Bruce (Hashbeer).
Next Hares for the Xmas hash will be Kiwi and Yellow Beaver. That is all.

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