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We meet the third Saturday of every month. The location changes so sign up for the mailing list (just below on left) or like our FaceBook Page to get notified about the most recent updates.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hash Report #111, Jan. 19th 2013

The #111 Hash was held in the rolling hills and rice fields of San Sai, approximately 6 km to the east of Chiang Rai.  The start and finish were at a large lake and the circle was held in a pavilion/sala set on the lake.  35 hashers showed up for what turned out to be one of the youngest, most lively hashes Chiang Rai has seen in quite some time.  Given the large turnout of English teachers from the local schools, your humble scribe would speculate that the average age was under 40 which is possibly a first for our typically geriatric, bird watching age-challenged hash .  Another positive trend was that there were more drinkers than teetotallers so it may be that the CR hash is falling in line with the other hashes around SE Asia and actually becoming a drinking club with a running problem.
 A large pack of hard-working runners were able to quickly solve the devious checks and false trails (none of which officially existed) set by the hare, Hand Cock and his assistant Able Semen and get back to the sala in under 50 minutes.  The trail was set up and down numerous valleys and given that the hills were large enough to block the “on-on” calls of the front runners, the pack inevitably split.  Eventually a group of chatting walkers managed to get off trail and get lost, only to be put back on trail by the hare who was sweeping the route by mountain bike.  So the front group had plenty of time to swim, eat delicious homemade sandwiches and drink beer for nearly an hour before the walkers got in.  The FRBs consisted of hard running Alex, the indefatigable Gorf, Left in the Field, virgin Paul, 2 timing HK expat Brian, Namron, Allo Allo, and for a while Frogs legs, Rocky Whore, Damn Beaver, Bottoms Up and Puck Off.   
The circle was administered by Able Semen, who having previously been GM 4 years ago, was able to shake off the rust and keep the circle entertainingly moving along.  The virgins consisted of the parents of Left in the Field, Paul – a long-time CR resident who was made to come by co-worker Left in the Field, Chris – Big Bic’s partner in crime, Gary – a San Franciscian who recently moved to Nana Plaza  Bangkok, and Tom – a teacher at MFLU.  Hash names were given to the 4 hashers who foolishly bravely made it back for their 3rd hash.  Rachel, a hockey goalie from Princeton was giving the name Puck Off.  Devon, a Colorado climber who was supposedly named after a pornstar, got the lovely name Rocky Whore.  Because of her softball prowess, Katie got the name “Left in the Field,” however had her parents not been chaperoning, your humble scribe would wager that one of the more explicit names would have stuck such as “Loves Soft Balls,”  “Home Run,” “Third Base,” “Strikes Out” and even “Goes Down Hard” in remembrance of her behavior during the Christmas hash.   Finally Ferdinand, our intrepid Spanish hasher got the name “On the Pith” which sounded fantastic at the time but only later did we figure out the no one actually knows what it means!  However Hand Cock attempted to explain his suggestion by adding there is “a pun on piss/pith, the latter referring to the apparently delicious and free (but notoriously inedible) Seville oranges, which grow on the thousands of trees lining Seville's streets. Every tourist picks one and discovers this the hard way.”  However he added if we don’t like it “maybe you can just use ‘Spanish Fly”, although you may have to explain that to younger members who never knew the pre-Viagra era......” 

We welcomed back Big Bic (Betty Ford Clinic), Gorf  (sex tourism in China), Allo Allo (expelled for saying F*CK at a previous hash), Hand Cock (under his wife’s thumb) and ex-marathoner Brian (nailing broads boards), after long hiatuses.

Finally it was ascertained that Hash #112 in February – will be set by virgin hares, the Beaver crew and Hash #113 in March will be set by Big Bic.
On! On!
Nam Ron

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